Senin, 09 Januari 2012


"The Satanic Verses"
By Ahmed Deedat
So far 'Satanic' Salman has succeeded in causing the death of 40 Muslim men, widowed Muslim
women and orphaned Muslim children with his poisoned pen, proving the old saying (if proof was
needed) that "The Pen is Mightier than the Sword!"

Despite all my anger, sorrow and bitterness i still plead with my fellow Muslims in travail - "Stop
crying", "Don't wail!", "No more protest marches or book burning!" All our visible signs of pain and
anguish are giving the enemies of Islam gleeful sadistic pleasures. I say, STOP IT! Turn the
Let us learn a lesson from the life of Jesus Christ (peace be upon him). His detractors came to
him again and again with posers - and riddles as recorded in the Christian New Testament. His
own people, the Jews, came to him, whit mockery on their lips and mischief in their hearts, saying
"Master, we caught this women in the act of adultery, what must we do to her?" [Pick up your Free
copy of the book - "ARABS and ISRAEL - Conflict or Conciliation?" from the Centre for a detailed
exposition of these episodes] Jesus turned the tables on the Jews. Again, on another occasion,
they said, "Master, must we pay tribute (taxes) to Caesar or not? Once more again Jesus turned
the tables on the Jews in the temple of Solomon on his triumphant march into Jerusalem with his
disciples, he physically overturned the money-changers´ tables and, with a corded whip, whipped
them out of the Temple [ For full details get your Free copy of "CRUCIFIXION or
CRUCIFICTION?" When ordering by mail, please consider enclosing postage money. Don't kill
the goose that lays golden egg.] We shamefully acknowledge that we lack the potency to whip
anybody, but every Muslim who reads these words and understands what he is reading can turn
the tables on every Westerner who defends Rushdie.
There is no way of cleaning the stable without dirtying your hands. I have seen numerous TV
programmes debating Rushdie´s "Satanic Verses." But not one, I repeat again NOT ONE, Muslim
defender of our Cause grappled with the nettle. One who came nearest was one of our
intellectuals who, when prodded as to what in Rushdie´s book created such terrible umbrage in
the Muslim minds, in Rushdie´s work, timidly quoted the word "bhaenchud" Satanic Salman´s
"The Satanic Verses."
What did this word "bhaenchud mean to some 50 million American viewers on ABC or was it PBS
TV network? Absolutely NOTHING!
"Bhaenchud" is only for starters. You have been warned. This publication , the word
"UNEXPURGATED" , which means that Rushdie´s text in his original "The Satanic Verses" are
not tampered with. That nothing is done by me to remove, expunge, erase any obscene or
pornographic word or phrase. If you can´t stomach Rushdie´s "shit"[ This is a very mild expression
from Rushdie's book. See and hear me on video "Is Jesus God?", a debate with Dr Shorrosh in
which I was hard put skirting round and round this word and yet never coming to uttering it: in
deference to my audience.] in print, please tear up this publication and throw it in your toilet pan.
In all my lectures on Rushdie, I had warned my audiences in advance that my talks were
"Definitely not for Prudes, children and Bashful Men and Women"!
From now on, you can look forward to sharing the "gems" (the shit which Rushdie has excreted)
whit your Western friends and neighbours. Create opportunities to expound "The Satanic Verses".

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